3052 Valley Ave Suite 101
Winchester, VA 22601

Call Us Today!
(540) 535-7222

Back & Neck Pain

Lower back pain is a growing epidemic in this country. It is estimated that it disables seven million Americans each year.

Chronic Pain

Body Elite Physical Therapy works with patients to reduce chronic pain. We offer various treatments, including dry needling, massage, and more.

Strains & Sprains

Severe sprains and strains can put a damper on enjoying everyday tasks. Our therapists have training in treating ankles, wrists, and other common sprains to reduce pain and promote healing.

Wellness Center at Body Elite Physical Therapy in Winchester, VA
Visit Our Experienced Therapists

Local Wellness Center in Winchester to Promote Better Physical Health

We invite you to visit our wellness center at Body Elite Physical Therapy in Winchester, VA, for specialty therapy services. Our experienced therapists offer select therapies specifically designed to promote better physical, mental, and emotional health. These include:

QiGong Therapy with Winchester QiGong

CranioSacral Therapy with Pebble in a Pond Holistic Healing

Massage Therapy


BioDensity™ (optimal biomechanics)

Power Plate® (vibration therapy)

Together, these wellness services offer targeted ways to support the healing journey of our clients. Schedule Wellness Center therapy services in Winchester, VA, call Body Elite today at (540) 535-7222 for an appointment.

What is QiGong?

When learning about QiGong, we split the word up into two definitions: Qi can be translated as vital energy, and Gong can be translated as skill cultivated through steady practice, so the simplest answer to the question, “What is QiGong,” is that it is energy skill or practice.

QiGong is an important branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and is defined by the National QiGong Association (NQA) as a “highly refined system of mind-body-spirit practices that improves one’s mental and physical health by integrating posture, movement, breathing technique, self-massage, sound, and focused intent.” There are two principal divisions under the broad heading of QiGong: self-regulation and medical. Self-regulation QiGong can be taught individually or in a group setting and can be practiced by anyone to good effect. Medical QiGong is performed by a practitioner trained to work with clients one to one in a treatment room setting to restore and improve vital energy flow.

Lyle Wilson, MQT

Lyle brings more than 40 years of experience as a clinician, therapist, researcher, and teacher to his practice of clinical qigong.

He began practice in Dallas, Texas in 1979, providing healthcare services to clientele, including structural and functional evaluation, nutritional assessment and counseling, development and implementation of individualized exercise, therapy, and nutritional programs before moving to Winchester, Virginia, in late 2015.

Lyle’s educational background is as widespread as his life interests, including undergraduate degrees in biology and business, advanced degrees in theology, a doctorate in Western natural medicine and a diplomate in Oriental medicine, certifications in a number of manual therapies, and importantly, certification as a medical qigong practitioner with ongoing study toward a doctorate in medical qigong.

In addition to this clinical practice, Lyle is the president and chief researcher for a small nutritional supplement research and development company, has taught manual medicine at the professional and university levels, and lectures domestically and internationally on cell-level chemistry and its role in health and well being.

What does Medical QiGong Do?

Medical QiGong has existed for several thousand years. According to the American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia (AOBTA), this form of treatment is similar to Acupuncture and Tuina therapies, as it is based on meridian and point theory and ancient Chinese philosophy. Some of the therapeutic methods of QiGong include:

Breath training

Psychosomatic exercises


Guided visualizations

These methods direct the practitioners to create a place of health and balance in their clients. Practitioners are trained in Qi transference and replenishment, which they use as a different type of healing art from self-QiGong exercises taught for personal use. If you are interested in learning more about QiGong treatment, call Body Elite Physical Therapy in Winchester, VA, at (540) 535-7222 or contact us online

Benefits of Undergoing QiGong Therapy

Similar to acupuncture and Chinese medicine, QiGong opens the flow of energy in the same meridians. The NQA explains that QiGong enhances clients’ ability to feel the “Life Force underlying the physical world,” while also deepening the ability to communicate with it. Physical benefits can include warming tendons, ligaments, and muscles; toning organs and tissues; promoting the circulation of bodily fluids; and simply enhancing overall health and wellbeing.

QiGong treatments can benefit the following 

physical and spiritual needs:

  • Low back pain
  • Gait and shape
  • Physical ability
  • Functional ability
  • Balance
  • Emotional balance
  • Circulation
  • Exercise capacity
  • Memory scores
  • Brain function
  • Insomnia
  • Moderates ACTH
  • COPD
  • Vascular Cognitive Impairment
  • And more…

What to Expect in a Medical QiGong Session at Body Elite

Body Elite Physical Therapy offers QiGong treatments to patients in Winchester, VA, and the surrounding areas. A Medical QiGong session is roughly one hour long. Please note that initial sessions may be longer.


Initial Evaluation
At this time, your practitioner will make observations to determine your physical, emotional, and energetic condition. They will use this information to create a treatment plan.


Clothing can remain on as Qi passes through air and clothing. The practitioner usually works about a foot away from the client’s body, and may occasionally touch the client to guide and manipulate the movement of Qi. You may notice varying sensations such as warmth, tingling, coolness, vibration, and possibly twitching as your body releases energy.

Clients at Body Elite Physical Therapy usually find QiGong to be a calming, relaxing experience. In some cases, clients can feel uncomfortable, suppressed emotions during treatment. One of the primary goals of Medical QiGong therapy is to release toxic emotions from within the body’s tissues, and having an emotional release can continue to benefit your overall health and mental state.


Like all treatments, Medical QiGong is personalized for each client. After the initial treatment clients will receive a QiGong prescription to assist in their continuing healing.

CranioSacral Therapy with Pebble in a Pond Holistic Healing

Similar to acupuncture and Chinese medicine, QiGong opens the flow of energy in the same meridians. The NQA explains that QiGong enhances clients’ ability to feel the “Life Force underlying the physical world,” while also deepening the ability to communicate with it. Physical benefits can include warming tendons, ligaments, and muscles; toning organs and tissues; promoting the circulation of bodily fluids; and simply enhancing overall health and wellbeing.

What Does CranioSacral Mean?
CranioSacral, is the spinal system extending from the head, or cranium, to the sacrum, or sacroiliac joint at the base. CranioSacral Therapy releases restrictions along the craniosacral system to relieve discomfort and improve function. Discomfort causes much ‘dis-ease’ that can result in a variety of disorders any physical dysfunction.

CranioSacral Therapy Can Improve Wellness for Many Disorders
Consider CranioSacral Therapy for effective treatment of:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
  • Autism
  • Central Nervous System Disorders
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Chronic Neck and Back Pain
  • Colic
  • Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Emotional Difficulties
  • Fibromyalgia and other Connective-Tissue Disorders
  • Infantile Disorders
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Motor-Coordination Impairments
  • Neurovascular or Immune Disorders
  • Orthopedic Problems
  • Post-Surgical Dysfunction
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Scoliosis
  • ​Sleep Problems
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Stress and Tension-Related Problems
  • Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)

By partnering with Pebble in a Pond Holistic Healing, Body Elite Physical Therapy opens another avenue of wellness. Many in Winchester and the surrounding areas enjoy the benefits of CranioSacral therapy. We recognize its benefits as a non-invasive, natural way to achieve balance. Call us today to schedule an appointment for supportive relief and wellness.

Massage Therapy in Winchester, VA, at Body Elite Physical Therapy

What is Massage Therapy and Its Benefits?

Our skin is the largest organ of the body. It does a lot for our overall wellness that we may not consider every day. Individuals may encounter a variety of body-related discomforts related to our layers of skin and the underlying musculature. Massage Therapy includes the manual holding, moving, and applying of pressure to the muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia.

Call our licensed massage therapist Melinda DeGraw directly at (540) 931-1497 to schedule an appointment.

You may also contact us online to to learn more about massage therapy. We are available to patients throughout Winchester, VA; Stephens City, VA; Berryville, VA; and the surrounding areas.

Therapeutic Benefits of Massage Therapy

As part of our overall wellness, some of the issues we experience often coincide with problems going on in the body. Others problems may be localized or require a targeted therapeutic touch to bring relief for:

A Chronic Disease

A Life Threatening Illness, for example cancer


delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)

high blood pressure


soft tissue injuries stress

subacute/chronic low back


Massage therapy provides benefits related to the working out of various areas of the body.

Massage Therapy Brings Relaxation and Enhances Immune Response

Additional benefits to massage therapy include an immediate feeling of deep relaxation and calm. This occurs because massage prompts the release of endorphins. These are the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that produce feelings of wellbeing.

Massage therapy also reduces levels of stress hormones, such as adrenalin, cortisol and norepinephrine. Studies indicate that high levels of these stress hormones impairs the immune system. Related physical benefits of massage and myotherapy include:

heightened mental alertness
improved circulation
improved recovery of soft tissue injuries
improved skin tone

increased joint mobility and flexibility
reduced anxiety and depression
reduced muscle tension

reduction of stress hormones
stimulation of the lymphatic system

Massage Services Offer a Targeted Therapeutic Touch

We mentioned earlier that massage therapy can provide a targeted therapeutic touch that brings relief. This relates directly to the various types of massage available. To enhance your awareness, different types of massage therapy can include:

aromatherapy – adding essential oils made from selected flowers and plants for their particular therapeutic properties to the massage oil. The scent of sandalwood to reduce nervous tension is just one example, and there are many more.

baby massage – studies find regular massage helps stimulate premature babies to gain weight at a faster rate. It can help to treat constipation, colic and sleeping problems in infants.

lymphatic drainage – this gentle whole body treatment aids the body’s immune system and relaxes the nervous system. It can be an essential reliever for those with breast and other cancers in the body.

myotherapy – involves the assessment and treatment of soft tissue pain, injury and dysfunction that affects movement and mobility. Therapists apply myotherapy to restore and maintain the health and function of the soft tissue structure (muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia).

reflexology – reflex points relate to all parts of the body. We find these points in the feet, hands, face, and ears. These points respond to pressure, stimulating the body’s own natural healing process, based on the principle that certain parts of the body reflect the whole.

remedial – similar to both myotherapy and physical therapy in some ways. Remedial massage therapy involves objective assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of the signs, symptoms and causes of biomechanical dysfunction or injury. It uses specific mobilization techniques, in order to restore normal health and function.

shiatsu – an oriental massage technique, shiatsu aims to improve energy flow by working certain points on the body. Its underlying principles are similar to those of acupuncture.

sports – this is the application of massage as a targeted therapy, rather than a particular massage technique. Sports massage depends on the nature of the stage of training or competition. It may also relate to a sports injury or condition and the assessment of the remedial massage therapist. Sport massage is often a blend of techniques. These aim to enhance performance and help overworked muscles to recover quickly.

therapeutic – one of the most popular forms of massage in many countries, designed to promote relaxation and improve blood circulation. Many know it as ‘Western’ or ‘Swedish’ massage.

We Recognize Massage Therapy Services as Beneficial to Wellness

The effect of the trained massage therapist’s healing touch offers added wellness. Body Elite Physical Therapy recognizes massage therapy as an often necessary service. Regular massage therapy brings clients added awareness of their body’s own enhanced response to healing. Call today to schedule a massage therapy appointment with our wellness center at Body Elite Physical Therapy in Winchester, VA.

Pilates to Promote a Better Lifestyle in Winchester, VA

Pilates is available as part of our Wellness Center services at Body Elite Physical Therapy in Winchester, VA. When wellness is your priority, Pilates exercises promote muscle strength, flexibility, and better posture. Pilates is for patients of all ages as an effective way of managing chronic or age-related pain. Work with our trained, experienced staff, to help achieve added wellness while treating problem muscles, joints, and more.

We offer Pilates to help patients maintain a healthy lifestyle while treating chronic pain, osteoporosis, or injuries. Contact Body Elite in Winchester, VA, today to learn more about Pilates. Our team has years of experience in Pilates and various chronic pain treatments, and we will be happy to discuss treatment options with you.

BioDensity™ and Power Plate® to Achieve Added Self-Improvement

Body Elite Physical Therapy’s Wellness Center services include advancements to help patients achieve added self-improvement. By using technology like BioDensity™ and Power PlateÒ patients can work on specific aspects of their physical health and wellness. Take a look at some of the benefits these options can provide.

Better Bones, Blood, Balance, and Biomechanics With BioDensity

BioDensity delivers measurable results in improving bone density, lowering blood sugar, and enhancing core strength and balance. In as little as a ten-minute session each week, patients can gain benefits by stimulating all major muscle groups. BioDensity exercise triggers muscles to decrease blood sugar by utilizing it in the cells. Strengthening and using the muscle groups can result in better posture, balance, and decreased falls.

Power Plate Vibration Therapy for Added Toning and Stability

Body Elite Physical Therapy’s Wellness Center has Power Plate vibration therapy available. Power Plate engineered its patented PrecisionWave™ Technology to activate the body’s natural reflexive response to precision vibration. It engages the muscles in a consistent and controlled manner resulting in accelerated training benefits.

There are dozens of medical and scientific studies that show Power Plate’s effectiveness. It is used in clinical rehabilitation and wellness facilities and sports performance centers. A vast majority of professional and collegiate sports teams in the US and around the world utilize Power Plate technology. We also hope you will take advantage of this equipment to enhance your body’s wellness right here in Winchester, VA.